Tuesday, October 29, 2013

 This year I started off our Spring by planting, I have always wanted a big garden (with the old farm house) and had a few unsuccessful attempts at container gardening in Colorado. My biggest obstacles were always the plants not having enough room, or not getting the water they needed to truly produce. I did get several things to grow, including corn, eggplant, beans, and tomatoes. But they never produced much. So when we got to North Carolina and I realized what a divine location this was for gardening. I decided to go for round two. Yankee (the husband) thought I was being unreasonable since my previous attempts had not gone over well. That made me more determined. Turns out, I have a pretty decent green thumb. I have managed to grow Romaine in great abundance. Strawberries, Eggplant, Tomatoes, and Pole Beans. And Broccoli! Can not forget the Broccoli.
Pole Beans April 14th
Pole Beans March 8th

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fall 2010, Our spawn being amazed by the ocean, our previous duty station had us land locked. 

We came to Fort Bragg, NC by way of Fort Carson, CO. And the two duty stations could not be more different. I miss Colorado, yes even the snow, and was hesitant to let my hair down and enjoy my time here at Bragg, due to the things I had been told about the area. However, this place isn't nearly as awful as people would like you to believe. It's got really nice weather (most of the time), its beautiful, lush and green. Its close to the beach, and not too far from the mountains. Did I mention really close to the beach, and when I say beach I mean all of them. While housing for us, is large and new (first people to live here, never had that happen before), there are lots of areas to choose from if you are not interested in living on Post. We currently reside farther from main post in housing. The neighborhood is called Linden Oaks, and while they definitely could have worked on some of the planning a little more (crowded schools, some streets not laid out well) I believe this is one the most visually appealing neighborhoods for housing I have ever seen. I am happy where we live and think I have a great street of neighbors. Children play outside together, don't get me wrong, they all love video games too-but this is one of the best places I have ever lived in regards to children being children and playing outside!

We have now been here almost two years, and I must say I have met a great group of women. My children have made some some great friends, and I am comfortable here in North Carolina. There are still many places I want to visit before we leave. We are so close to so many awesome things. Williamsburg, VA, Florida, Washington D.C, and there is an amazing rail line that travels the entire coast almost and has reasonable tickets. We were able to travel to Florida and take the boys on our first honest to goodness ,not visiting family, vacation to Universal Studios. It was an amazing trip. The boys had tons of fun and I am very interested in heading back down to Florida for another round, perhaps Disney World this next time.

That is all for now. Roger That?